Animal WORLD

Quality is our priority, an exemplary level of requirement for the animals

Natural rubber teats for animals

All the teats we manufacture are made of dry rubber from rigorously selected rubber plantations. The choice of dry rubber, a controlled manufacturing process and an optimized formula allow us to obtain rubber teats of an exceptional chemical quality:

  • Very low total chemical migration
  • Absence of nitrosamines and nitrosable substances
  • Total absence of allergic reaction

Complies with the requirements of the regulations in force as well as with the standard EN 14350 1 and 2.

Throughout the production process, we carry out the necessary quality controls with various samples to ensure the final quality of the product.

Silicone teats for animals

Borflex SPCV silicone teats also have excellent chemical qualities due to the selection of the raw material and the control of the manufacturing process:

Complies with the requirements and decree on materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal consumption.

From birth, the calf's immune system is not very robust. The suckling stage is compulsory until the calf becomes a ruminant. Our calf teats meet these requirements perfectly. With a softness adapted to the palate and good resistance to tearing, they contribute to the success of drinking without altering the temperature.

We manufacture different types of calf nipples, with the drilling to suit your needs. Our teats fit easily on feeders, bottles, feeding trays and multi-dispenser buckets.

Consult our catalogue to find your teat model, we are available to advise you.

100% French production

To ensure a lamb's survival, artificial feeding will be the best technique in all circumstances. Its main nutrition source is milk.

Consultation with a veterinarian is necessary, who can tell you exactly what the lamb's needs are and give you the whole procedure for care.

We manufacture different types of lamb nipples, with the drilling to suit your needs. Our teats fit easily on feeders, bottles, feeding trays and multi-dispenser buckets.

Consult our catalogue to find your teat model, we are available to advise you.

100% French production

The ideal solution for feeding an orphaned kitten is to find a substitute mother. Failing that, bottle-feeding is a good technique to protect the kitten.

There are substitute milks available in pharmacies, a veterinarian will be able to advise you exactly on both the milk and the procedures (breastfeeding time, quantities, etc.).

We manufacture feeding bottle kits and teats that are perfectly adapted to the kitten's palate. These teats are made of medical grade rubber or silicone and are extremely flexible and tear-proof.

Consult our catalogue to find the best product, we are available to advise you.

100% French production

Taking care of the orphan puppy's health starts with a strict and regular diet. This requires some sacrifice, a lot of time and attention.

It is necessary to consult a veterinarian, who will be able to offer you artificial alternatives and advise you exactly what is necessary and how to proceed with the care.

We manufacture feeding bottle kits and teats that are perfectly adapted to the puppy's palate. These teats are made of medical grade rubber and are extremely flexible and tear-proof.

Consult our catalogue to find the best product, we are available to advise you.

100% French production

The feeding of small animals such as rabbits is very specific.

It must be formula milk and not cow's milk. The feeding procedure is very strict and requires an up-to-date record of feeding times, quantities and weights.

It is necessary to consult a veterinarian, who will be able to advise you exactly on the process.

We manufacture special teats for small animals made of non-allergenic natural rubber. These teats fit on small feeding bottles and are used for small animals in general (kittens, small puppies, rabbits, and many others).

Consult our catalogue to find the best product, we are available to advise you.

100% French production

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